AM Transport

February 8, 2023


x min read

Zero Penalty Shipping. A.M. Transport Avoids Costly Shipping Penalties with Tive.

Time-Sensitive delivery service tracks shipments from pickup to delivery, to make sure the supply chain is uninterrupted. Because this service is such a big part of its business, the A.M. Transport team stays up to speed on new technologies that could help them improve their delivery.

Late Deliveries Cost More Than Time

A.M. Transport frequently delivers stadium seating to job sites with a union crew waiting to receive and install the seats. The company has shipped telescoping seating to high schools and to large stadium construction sites, including Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, the Minnesota Vikings Stadium, and Dickies Arena in Ft. Worth, Texas. If trucks are running behind, A.M. Transport can be hit with large financial penalties. In some cases, they may have to pay the crew by the hour for any downtime.

"We read about Tive in a research article published on Gartner’s website. Although we were using a different tracking software, we decided to give Tive a try. General construction and subcontractors might be union staff waiting on site. The delivery window is tight. We have to pay for the crew if our delivery is late. As a result, A.M. Transport is a big fan of delivery tracking software and tracks 90 percent of its loads with Tive.” – JASON DORIS, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LEADER, A.M. TRANSPORT

Visibility Means Profitability

Adopting the Tive Tracking System allowed A.M. Transport to eliminate costly penalties from late deliveries. In one example, A.M. Transport had a shipment of chairs, tables and bleachers headed to a high school construction site; thanks to TIve, they became aware that the shipment was going to be late. A.M. Transport contacted the installers, all union workers, and informed them of the delay well within their contract terms. The installers were able to move the workers to other jobs, and A.M.
Transport saved what would have been thousands of dollars in penalties. In another use-case, A.M. Transport is using Tive to track all its shipments in combination with other technologies. While drivers may have on-board GPS systems, A.M. Transport also places Tive trackers on the truck. This enables Doris’s crew to gauge the credibility of a carrier. “We don’t necessarily market Tive, but we do market our Time-Sensitive service to equipment installers. They pass along the good word,” says Doris. “As a result, we’ve gotten other jobs for other verticals, such as for restaurant equipment deliveries.”

"A.M. Transport is now also utilizing Tive trackers for a customer that ships large commercial air conditioning units and for automotive clients who want to track units that contain returnable packaging to ensure it’s returned.” – JASON DORIS, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT



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Electronics Manufacturer

A large electronics manufacturer relies on Tive’s supply chain visibility solution to monitor in-transit shock, tilt, and vibration levels for their fragile products.